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- Create Date 4 August 2023
- Last Updated 2 January 2024
CRUNDWELL, F.K., Kinetics and mechanism of the oxidative dissolution of a zinc sulphide concentrate in ferric sulphate solutions, Hydrometallurgy, 19 (1987) 227-242.
The kinetics of the oxidative dissolution of a zinc sulphide (sphalerite) concentrate was stud- ied. It was observed that the dissolution of the concentrate continued beyond 90% conversion in two hours at 80°C. The kinetics of dissolution are successfully described by an electrochemical mechanism in which the charge transfer from the solid to the oxidant is rate-limiting. The rate of reaction is proportional to the sum of the concentrations of the Fe3+ (aq) and FellS042+ com- plexes with a reaction order of one-half. The addition of Fe (II) to the solution had an indirect effect on the reaction rate, by decreasing the concentrations of the electro-active ions. Addition of ZnSO4 did not affect the reaction rate.