by anna | Aug 4, 2023
The energy level model of semiconductor electrochemistry is summarized, and is used to inter- pret the literature of the leaching and the anodic electrochemistry of base-metal sulphides. It is stressed that the electronic structure of the solid and the solution must...
by anna | Aug 4, 2023
A mathematical model of leaching reactors using the population balance is presented. The model incorporates the material balances for the reactants and products, the population balance which de- scribes the change in particle-size distribution, and the energy balance....
by anna | Aug 4, 2023
Previous work in the mathematical modelling of particulate (or heterogeneous) reactors has used either the segregated model or the number balance. There has been no mention of the effects of micro- mixing, nor mention of the relationship between these two approaches....
by anna | Aug 4, 2023
Leaching reactors have been described using three different approaches. These models are the overall mass balance, the population-balance model and the segregated-flow model. Each of these models has been used extensively without the relationship between them being...