by anna | Aug 4, 2023
Leaching plays a central role in hydrometallurgical processing. However, frequently it is the leaching step that is the least efficient part of the hydrometallurgical process. Part of any drive to improve the efficiency of the operation therefore requires an...
by anna | Aug 4, 2023
The leaching of a sphaleritic flotation concentrate in an acidic ferric sulphate solution is described by an electrochemical charge-transfer model in which the mineral surface potential is approximated by the solution redox potential for the ferrous–ferric redox...
by anna | Aug 4, 2023
The dissolution of concentrates from the Rosh Pinah and Black Mountain deposits failed to exceed a conversion of 50% zinc to solution after 5 hours at 80 °C with 0.5 M Fe (III) in an acidic ferric sulphate solution. The final conversion was proportional to the...
by anna | Aug 4, 2023
The kinetics of the oxidative dissolution of a zinc sulphide (sphalerite) concentrate was stud- ied. It was observed that the dissolution of the concentrate continued beyond 90% conversion in two hours at 80°C. The kinetics of dissolution are successfully described by...
by anna | Aug 4, 2023
The kinetics of the non-oxidative dissolution of four samples of sphalerite (ZnS) of different origin were studied. It was concluded that the dissolution is independent of the stirrer speed and is first order in [H +], and that the activation energies for the removal...