by anna | Aug 4, 2023
Over the last 35 years, there has been a debate concerning the interaction of iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria and sulfide minerals. Two basic positions are held. The proponents of the direct mechanism argue that the bacteria possess a specific biological mechanism...
by anna | Aug 4, 2023
by anna | Aug 4, 2023
A mathematical model of bacterial leaching reactors is presented. The model incorporates the population (number) balance approach for the modelling of particulate leaching, the balance for the bacterial cell number, which includes populations of bacteria on the...
by anna | Aug 4, 2023
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans oxidises ferrous ions in solution during the bacterial leaching process. In batch experiments that are usually performed to determine the kinetics of the bacterial oxidation of ferrous ions, the concentrations of both the ferrous and ferric...
by anna | Aug 4, 2023
Iron-oxidising bacteria, notably Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, are capable of oxidising sulphide minerals either directly at the point at which the bacteria are attached to the mineral, or indirectly by the production offerric ions in the...